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Rocco and Jessie are in Budapest and need a place to stay. JJ, seeing his chance to make some money, offers them his apartment and suggests they let him record them having sex in exchange for the accommodations. The video begins with Jessie giving us an alluring strip show. She undresses slowly, swaying side-to-side and showing off her bronzed body with her golden blond hair cascading around her. Her big tits and perfect round ass provide an enticing intro to the show. Jessie then lays on the bed and proceeds to pleasure herself by fingering her luscious pussy. Rocco joins in to help out by eating that pussy hungrily. As Jessie gets more aroused she grabs Rocco's cock and goes wild, taking him through several different sex positions as JJ watches on in anticipation. The video concludes with Rocco spraying a steady stream of cum from Jessie's pussy onto her tits - a well deserved reward for their performance! After paying their rent with this steamy display, the two lovers finally get their chance to rest up at JJ's apartment!
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