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In this steamy nextdoorhookups video, Tom Lansing has had an unfortunate injury from playing soccer and finds himself in Darcy Tyler’s check up room. As the doctor carefully examines his groin area for any signs of tear, she finds no permanent damage, but does find Tom’s member growing in size. Gently gripping it with her hand, the warmth of Tom’s cock against her cold fingers causes it to swell to massive proportions. Not deterred, Tom slides his hand underneath her scrubs and feels his way up and down the side of her body as she bends over and starts to suck on the head of his cock. Half-naked as she slides off her pants and begins rubbing Tom’s cock against her breasts, pre-cum drizzles out onto her nipples as she mounts his rock hard dick. The examination table shakes with each intense thrust until finally Tom turns Darcy over and fucks her even harder from behind before spraying her down with a thick load of frothy cum. With this final check-up complete, it is clear that both Tom's member and his health are in peak condition!
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